
MEDSURG Nursing:
Bib 13399120083
  •  How well do inexpensive, portable pulse oximeter values agree with arterial oxygenation saturation in acutely Ill patients?/ by Maria Jones, et al.
  •  Nuropathic pain management: a reference for the clinical nurse/ by Bree Blumstein, Thomas W. Barkley
  •  Nursing surveillance and physiological signs of deterioration/ by Tracy Fasolino, Terry Verdin
  •  Addressing needs of long-term care facility residents during acute hospitalization/ by Brian Bowman, Alison Forbes
  •  Maggot debridement therapy: advancing to the past in wound care/ by Kelsey Klaus, Cynthia Steinwedel
  •  Pharmacotherapy of type 2 diabetes mellitus: navigating current and new therapies/ by Kelley Newlin Lew, Allison Wick
  •  Assessing oral hygiene in hospitalized older veterans/ by Andrea Jennings
  •  Univeiling the truth about nurses' personal preparedness for disaster response: a pilot study/ by Tracy Jeanne Nash